Thursday, April 23, 2020

Virtual team, Remote Economy, Gig economy

How to find the best resources with minimum investment of Infrastructure and other additional costs?

By creating your Virtual Team you can optimize your resourcing cost and improve profitability.

What actually is Virtual team?

virtual team is also known as a geographically dispersed team or a geographically distributed team. Usually, Virtual team refers to a group of individuals who work together from different geographic locations and rely on communication through technology such as email, Voice mail, video or voice conferencing services in order to collaborate.

So these remote workers work together as a remote team.

What all benefits one get by hiring remote workers to create Virtual team.

ü If you are not getting the right resource at the nearby location then no need to wait and watch. Hire a remote worker.

ü If available resource within your territory is out of your budget then hire a remote worker globally.

ü If you wanted to increase your business without increase existing infrastructure then increase your workforce by hiring a virtual team.

ü A remote worker will cost you less because he or she will not be investing time and money in travelling and maybe more productive.

ü Your  Virtual Team gives you a liberty to expand or reduce your team as per the work demand

ü Virtual Team is the future of resourcing.


Now world biggest economies understand the need of Virtual team who can work from home in such a critical situation of Coronavirus. This lockdown has made us realized that we should not feel handicap and our economy must not affect as bad in future if such a situation arises again or existing situation stretches long.