Friday, February 21, 2020

Career Opportunities in Fashion & Retail Industry

Have you done any course of fashion designing or textile designing and confused to choose type of industry?
Not to worry. To understand your real interest read following inside information of different job titles and their responsibilities.

First of all, one should know the types of Industries available under the textile industry segment like:

·         Manufacturing Industry:
·         Trading Industry
·         Retail Industry
·         Service Industry

Under Each Industry there could me multiple career option we can choose.

1. Manufacturing Industry:

·         Designer
·         Merchandiser
·         Sampling coordinator
·         Production Manager
·         Assembly line manager
·         Pattern Grading at CAD

2. Trading Industry

·         Business to Business, Whole Seller and Distributor
·         Business to Customer

3. Retail Industry:

·         Multi Brand Outlet
·         Exclusive Brand Outlet
·         Hyper Market.
·         E-Commerce Portal

Retail process is driven by 2 different team.

1-      Front end Team: Under this section one can find multiple job opportunities who has good marketing and selling skills.

·         Salesman
·         Department Manager
·         Store manager
·         Area Sales Manager
·         Zonal Head
·         Country Head
·         Retail Operation Head
·         Visual Merchandising Team

2-      Back end team: Under this section one can find multiple job opportunities who is good in analytical skills.

·         Retail Planner
·         Merchandiser for Goods follow up for timely delivery from supplier
·         Retail Merchandiser to work at reports & Numbers
·         Buyer
·         Designer
·         Product development Head
·         Category Head
·         Marketing Manager

4. Service Sector:

We have commonly heard terms of export house and Buying house. Actually buying house work as service provider and Export house work as production house.

·         Buying House ( this industry need Merchandiser, designer and product developer)
·         Consultant. These are experienced Independent professional working on the a gig economy concept.

Stay tuned to get more insight about opportunities in Fashion Industry


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It's absolutely very good and useful information. Your experience in fashion industry is remarkable. Eagerly waiting for your next blog !!

  3. Wow Femi ,very nicely explained ,looking forward to read more

  4. Thanks for your kind appreciation. Many more valuable information will be added on a daily bases. Please keep on visiting our web pages.

  5. Really worthy information for all especially for those who are seeking career in fashion field... Thanks for sharing your knowledge it will be really helpful...
    Mariya khan

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Nice blog faimi ...It shows your experience n knowledge about the fashion industry.Its really indeed helpful for those who r intrested in this keep going n share more.

    My best wishes with you

  8. This is really good information, specially for any fresher who wants to make career in this industry and have no idea, please continue to share more

  9. Hi Femi, nice work and valuable information for people coming to fashion world. Keep updating more details. Awaiting for your next blog.

  10. Hi Mam
    Very nice description about Garment industry in various departments
