Monday, June 29, 2020

Job satisfaction

It is widely accepted that earning high means higher satisfaction. There are various reasons behind that.

One of the reasons could be the family where individual wish to earn higher to save for kids better higher education which cost huge these days. 2nd could be the uncertainty of the job in today's world globally. People prefer to save money to survive in a jobless time. Especially in developed urban areas buying property or making a home is getting tough day by day individuals make target to initial ten years of career to make their permanent residence to live later life at much ease, Apart from this upgraded version of electronics and gadgets fascinate people to try which push them to earn higher.

Although mass prefers to find a job to satisfy their financial need, also a lot of people look for a job for inner satisfaction. Their moral boost when their work brings the smile at someone face that is the season Nurses, Teachers and social workers work harder to earn respect and true happiness rather than more money.

In conclusion, earning high wages is not the criteria for being happy for all. A sportsperson plays in the national team because it motivates them to serve for here nation. Both types of people are the part of the society, one who works to find joy, motivation or stimulation in their career to be an ever happy and satisfied person, while some earn higher but not get motivation every morning to go back to work.  Money can help us to buy gadgets and cannot bring peace, joy and satisfaction. People spent most of our daytime at the working place and if working hours are not giving satisfaction, indirectly affecting our mental and physical health. So each person target should be to do what makes him a happy person. Success always comes in the way of those people who love to do what they are doing.

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