Thursday, December 3, 2020

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

How Shopping as a hobby is affecting planet? what does sustainability means?


Going shopping was a need, but in recent days it has become a pleasant activity. Going shopping is fun especially for youth as they got bored faster by using same things and looks for frequest change. 

In my opinion, it is debatable. Although shopping is less stressful these days because in hyper-markets are the one-stop-shop for all daily needs with the huge variety to choose from and air-conditioning shopping mall make it more comfortable without sweat, dust, rain and cold wind. The credit card has made life easy to a certain extent that if you don’t have cash ready in hand you can pay through credit card and the same amount will be paid back to the bank later.

What I feel is not good that people prefer shopping the only best time-pass or having fun. The end result of shopping frequently without reason end up buying extra, which ultimately became a burden at planet due to landfill because of expiry dates of overbuying products or very less use of the merchandise. The habit of unnecessary shopping also brings middle class in financial pressure. This buying extra habit deprives other low-income groups from many things as resources are limited which got wasted by higher income groups.

Another disadvantage is people spent less valuable time with family by playing together or discussing each other issues. The difference in choices also sometimes cause the reason for conflict and in some cases, kids get tempted with a lot of merchandise which goes out of the budget, which ultimately spoils the mood of the family.

Some people who are rich with shopping as a hobby make others feel low as they cannot afford frequent changes in their wardrobes and daily living by adopting the latest technology. The feeling of unequal in financial status creates a distance between friends in the long run. 

Sustainability means wastage of less resources. using more of existing resources rather than shifting to new trends and product which fade fast and push resources to more in landfill. In fashion sector customer must opt those clothing which are made sustainably by choosing eco-friendly and biodegradable fabrics. one of the example is bamboo clothing. to know more about bamboo clothing and shop sustainable merchandise one can visit to  

Monday, June 29, 2020

Job satisfaction

It is widely accepted that earning high means higher satisfaction. There are various reasons behind that.

One of the reasons could be the family where individual wish to earn higher to save for kids better higher education which cost huge these days. 2nd could be the uncertainty of the job in today's world globally. People prefer to save money to survive in a jobless time. Especially in developed urban areas buying property or making a home is getting tough day by day individuals make target to initial ten years of career to make their permanent residence to live later life at much ease, Apart from this upgraded version of electronics and gadgets fascinate people to try which push them to earn higher.

Although mass prefers to find a job to satisfy their financial need, also a lot of people look for a job for inner satisfaction. Their moral boost when their work brings the smile at someone face that is the season Nurses, Teachers and social workers work harder to earn respect and true happiness rather than more money.

In conclusion, earning high wages is not the criteria for being happy for all. A sportsperson plays in the national team because it motivates them to serve for here nation. Both types of people are the part of the society, one who works to find joy, motivation or stimulation in their career to be an ever happy and satisfied person, while some earn higher but not get motivation every morning to go back to work.  Money can help us to buy gadgets and cannot bring peace, joy and satisfaction. People spent most of our daytime at the working place and if working hours are not giving satisfaction, indirectly affecting our mental and physical health. So each person target should be to do what makes him a happy person. Success always comes in the way of those people who love to do what they are doing.

Saturday, June 20, 2020

"Bamboo" The Best sustainable fiber for Fashion industry

Why Bamboo fabric is superior to other fabrics? 

The thought of sustainability is not new, earlier “Brundtland” Report in 1987 raised a thought process of sustainable development. The Rio Earth Summit, 'green issues' made their way into fashion and textiles publications. Typically these publications featured the work of well-known Clothing companies such as  Patagonia and ESPRIT brands, who in the late 1980s brought environmental concerns into their businesses. A research agenda around sustainable fashion has been in development since the early 1990s. In 1992, the ESPRIT Eco-collection was launched at retail and it was based on the Eco Audit Guide. In 2011 the brand Patagonia ran an advertisement campaign "Don't buy this jacket" with a picture of Patagonia merchandise. This message was intended to encourage people to purchase only what they need to save nature.

In 2019, a group of researchers formed the Union for Concerned Researchers in Fashion to advocate for radical and co-ordinated research activity commensurate with the challenges of biodiversity loss and climate change. In the fall of 2019, the UCRF received the North Star Award at the Green Carpet Fashion Awards, an organization focused on the promotion of sustainability in the fashion industry.

Bamboo in the textile industry is the revolution of sustainability since the past more than a decade. When you consider it, bamboo is a very logical choice of fibre for many items of clothing. As well as having excellent strength, shape stability, washability, colourfastness and being exceptionally comfortable against the skin, bamboo fibre also boasts the following unique properties:

Zero pesticides for Bamboo cultivation: Bamboo has been grown for millennia in Asia without the use of pesticides. It is rarely attacked by any pests and not susceptible to diseases. The reason for this. Bamboo yarns and textiles are produced without the use of dangerous toxic chemicals and no polluting residues remain in the cloth when it finally wears out and is discarded. It comes from nature and is returned to nature in a smooth natural cycle. It has been grown for thousands of years without environmental degradation. This is what is meant by complete sustainability. Very few crops can make this claim. Bamboo grows very fast and reaches its full height of say 20 metres in an incredible 3 months on an average. It has a tensile strength quite similar to mild steel. 

UV rays protection: Bambo has 60% higher UV rays protection than cotton. UV rays cause premature ageing of the skin and signs of sun damage such as wrinkles, leathery skin, liver spots, actinic keratosis, and solar elastosis. Indirectly we can say it is anti-ageing and protect skin and hairs health. The countries have higher UV levels are Peru, Bolivia, Chile and Argentina New Zealand and Australia. These have the highest incidence rate for melanoma in the world. 

Bamboo has Anti-Bacterial properties: Japanese scientists have found, is a unique anti-bacterial agent of bamboo named “bamboo kun”. This substance, combined with the tight molecular structure of bamboo fibres, are believed to give it its anti-bacterial and bacteriostatic properties – which is not diminished even after more than 50 washes! Introduced bacteria on the bamboo fabric were reduced to less than 0.2% of the introduced number in 24 hours whilst introduced bacteria on cotton fabric multiplied to 550 times the introduced number, also in 24 hours. Post Covid-19 societies are very conscious about health and looking forward to anti-bacterial and healthy lifestyle products.

Bamboo is Anti Odour: Body odour results from gases produced by bacteria which live on the waste which is exuded from our bodies – sweat and dead skin cells which our bodies give off constantly as a perfectly natural part of living. Some people have much smellier feet and underarms than most because they shed more dead cells from their feet and underarms than others or they have specific personal bacteria which give off that offensive smell. In such a situation, Bamboo products are the right choice from intimate wear, Innerwear to sportswear. In Bamboo products, any moisture (sweat) is immediately absorbed and taken away from the skin

There is a lot more to do in terms of using Bamboo in the textile industry. Till now industry is working at core items and basic need. Organic vegetable dyes and printing can make the bamboo fabric fit more into delivering fashion and style. Fibre is soft, limp and drape able. It can fit very well to produce a Sustainable luxury classic product for long-lasting uses. Bamboo is not only best for human health but also best for the planet. The bamboos growing play an important role in soil nutrient buildup and maintenance of soil fertility. The nutrient cycling in bamboo forests had shown improvement in soil fertility due to its vigorous growth and litter production. The process of growing bamboo versus growing cotton is much less water-intensive. Bamboo requires one-third the amount of water to grow than is necessary for cotton.

 I am really happy to see the initiative taken by to launch bamboo clothing for today's active women. 

Monday, June 8, 2020

Zero waste management in Fashion and lifestyle

Zero Waste management: Zero waste means saving resources and nature by not letting resources waste, but also using the same resource multiple times.


Zero Waste in the Textile Industry at the design stage can help a lot to reduce global waste. To produce merchandise with zero-waste strategy garment has to be designed post checking fabric width and print layout to make a pattern which will have maximum coverage. Simultaneously another product could be adjusted within waste during the cutting stage rather than thinking later. In such a way new product which has been adjusted in waste is the bonus which not only reduces landfill and saves resources like water and energy which already has been invested in growing crop and producing fabric and dying or printing with chemicals to retail colors for last long. As we know 20,000 liters is the amount of water needed to produce one kilogram of cotton, despite that average waste of fabric during cutting stage in the fashion industry is more than 25%. Saving this 25% can reduce further damage to our earth by 25% every year. This is only one side of the coin.


On the other each year more than US$ 700 Billion textile merchandise goes in landfill which could reach to poor nations and community within the country. We as a responsible member of society should collect used garment and collaborate with NGO for redistribution post refinishing. The product which could not be reused can be handover to mills for recycling. To make this a big movement Retailors can play a major role by keeping a bin outside the store where customer can drop used garment while coming for the new purchase. In this network NGO and fabric Mill will collaborate with retail brands to reuse and recycle waste textile. This will be a win-win situation for all.

Every year government is investing a good amount of money at waste management which could be used in other development programs. This is our money which has been collected from taxable income to uplift the nation which we are wasting first by buying extra and then throwing in bins to increase investment in waste management. On the other hand, the government is also struggling to fulfill basic needs of below poverty line. Government is helping the poor community by providing Ration (food items at a very nominal rate), but not clothing. Here we as responsible citizens can take initiative by providing them used clothing through some organized or unorganized Chanel.

Apart from textile, there are other items like packaged or packed food which we should say no because these plastic-packaged foods are full of toxins and plastic packaging the material could be recycled only once then it is bound to go in the landfill. More invention has to be done in rubber products which is an organic source from plant and can be decomposed. Rather than using plastic bags, we must use fabric bags and metal container at the time of shopping. I appreciate Mother dairy initiative of selling milk without polybags where customer carries their vessel to collect milk post inserting a coin. Few other milk brands use reusable glass bottles to distribute milk and exchange every 2nd day. Low value-packed food like chips and other namkeen are creating a big chunk of recycled plastic. We must say a big no to such products which are affecting our immunity badly. Aluminium foil should be replaced with fabric napkins. We must say a big no to one-time use products. Paper napkins should be replaced with a reusable handkerchief to save trees. There could be various ways to save nature and indirectly save our self as well as our future generation from this global warming. In this direction, electronic companies should behave responsibly by making good quality products for long-lasting. We should not dump our mobiles and other electronics every few years. These waste are not only causing economic loss but also creating Electromagnetic radiation which is causing cancer also disturbing earth. 

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Sustainable, Eco friendly, Organic Clothing & Textile for Green economy and circular Economy

What is Sustainability?

Sustainability is the use of resources in an ethical way without polluting our mother earth. The major cause of Global warming is pollution, which is affecting human life in many ways. After the Oil industry Fashion is the 2nd biggest polluter of our planet.


Why sustainability is needed in Textile? 

The global textile the industry was estimated to be around USD 920 billion in 2018, and it is projected to witness a CAGR of approximately 4.4% during the forecast period to reach approximately USD 1,230 billion by 2024.

Textile is the 2nd the largest industry causing major pollution. Each year more than 85% used cloths goes in Landfill and only 15% are recycled. This textile industry is creating a huge amount of waste. In the last 15 years, the consumer is buying 60% more pieces of clothing compared to our last generation. Yet, each cloth item is now kept half as long, which ultimately goes in the landfill. Nearly 20% of global wastewater is produced by the Textile industry. Average use of each T-shirt is only 7 times while we should bring it to 60 times to reduce further damage to our earth by landfill, waste of water and energy as well as pesticides.  

As per EDGE report, Cotton farming is responsible for 24% of insecticides and 11% of pesticides, despite using only 3% of the world’s arable land. 20,000 liters is the amount of water needed to produce one kilogram of cotton; equivalent to a single t-shirt and pair of jeans. It takes more than 5,000 gallons of water to manufacture just a T-shirt and a pair of jeans. The textile industry is one of the top 3 water-wasting industry in China, discharging over 2.5 billion tons of wastewater every year. 



What we should do to make fashion sustainable, Eco-friendly for Green Economy?


The consumer should buy what they need. More clothing does not mean more happiness. Rather than quantity customer should focus on quality. The consumer should focus on buying Organic and sustainable as well as ethical clothing, which will be slightly more expensive than fast fashion and cheap fashion. By using organic cotton we save 50% water and promote 0% use of pesticides, which not only affect farmer’s health but also spoil our fertile land.  

Rather than using chemical dyes, the consumer should buy merchandise which has been dyed through the vegetable, for example, indigo and shibori dye and vegetable screen and block printing. 

The consumer should not throw used clothing in the dustbin; rather donate it to the poor community or NGO for reuse. If the garment is slightly damaged then the consumer should donate same after mending.  Textile which is not in a reusable condition should be sent for recycling where it could be converted into fibre than yarn and ultimately fabric to produce new merchandise


All production houses must take responsibility to create zero waste. In the regular manufacturing process production houses waste 30% of the fabric, which could be reduced by 5% by taking the strategic decision at the tile of styling and by producing kids garment, lingerie or accessories for example Handbags, mask, stole, scarfs, caps, carry bags, handkerchief.

Huge Organic and sustainable resources are lying idle like Wool, Bamboo, Wood, and Leather, vegetable-dyed which should be utilized at max.

Forced labour and child labour should be banned and labour minimum wages should be decent enough to create a better living standard. 

Social responsibility program should be run by the government for creating awareness for not to use polyester products which are the petroleum byproduct. Such Polyester products are not biodegradable and chemicals are required to produce such merchandise. These chemicals mixed with water and ultimately affect our earth and animal’s life in and out water. 

More textile units should take initiative to produce fibre and fabric from used plastic bottles to reduce dumping of such waste in the sea and landfill. Some big size textile units like  Arvind, Vardhman, Raymond has already taken initiative towards sustainable clothing.

K.G fabrics are one of the biggest examples of sustainable denim. Other mills should participate in this revolution to create a better future.

which are the most sustainable clothing brands in India?

Brands made out of Linen, Bamboo and hemp. one of the example is 

Monday, May 4, 2020

Future of Retail Post Covid-19

Future of Retail Post Covid-19

For a year retail will see de-growth of 30% to 35% in almost all product line except grocery and medical. Infect grocer and pharmacies, drug stores has shown remarkable growth in the sale.

So who will be affected the Most?

The major drop in business will be of Brick-and-mortar stores ( Physical retail formats).

Reason: People will not be able to maintain social distancing in physical stores. Customer will be afraid of touching merchandise or taking a trial of merchandise at physical stores. Back of mind, they think that product might be affected by Covid-19 carrier, which can threaten their life.

So how merchandise will reach to end customer?

E-commerce: In the near future, we will see e-commerce will continue to grow significantly. The contribution of E-come will be almost double from 15% to almost 30% E-commerce seller will be benefited from Covid-19 pandemics. They will fulfil customers need through virtual stores created by Ecommerce sites. Online Business turnover will increase dramatically once lockdown will be open. Customer will feel safe to buy from online portals where He or she will buy merchandise with maintaining social distancing, and without touching apparel and other products.  Now, researches have made us aware that Virus takes 3 days to dye at most of the substances. Post placing Online Order, delivery takes 2 to 3 days which is very safe for the end-user.  Life of the virus at any polybag is also not more than 24 hours. Within 24 house the effect of Virus remains only 1%.  99% virus dye or microbes delay within 24 hours.

The middle class will be the most affected class financially post Coronavirus. Online buying will help the middle class to save money by not spending at petrol, parking, outside dining and impulsive buying. Shopping in the mall with small kids is always very challenging for the families. In fact, it may change consumers’ behaviour permanently.  Once the customer will be comfortable to buy online may not prefer to buy offline further. Buying online will not only save time but also money.

So what are you thinking right now?

If you are a business without virtual stores then move faster to create an online platform for selling. Use digital marketing rather than spending at ATL (New paper and TV).

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Virtual team, Remote Economy, Gig economy

How to find the best resources with minimum investment of Infrastructure and other additional costs?

By creating your Virtual Team you can optimize your resourcing cost and improve profitability.

What actually is Virtual team?

virtual team is also known as a geographically dispersed team or a geographically distributed team. Usually, Virtual team refers to a group of individuals who work together from different geographic locations and rely on communication through technology such as email, Voice mail, video or voice conferencing services in order to collaborate.

So these remote workers work together as a remote team.

What all benefits one get by hiring remote workers to create Virtual team.

ü If you are not getting the right resource at the nearby location then no need to wait and watch. Hire a remote worker.

ü If available resource within your territory is out of your budget then hire a remote worker globally.

ü If you wanted to increase your business without increase existing infrastructure then increase your workforce by hiring a virtual team.

ü A remote worker will cost you less because he or she will not be investing time and money in travelling and maybe more productive.

ü Your  Virtual Team gives you a liberty to expand or reduce your team as per the work demand

ü Virtual Team is the future of resourcing.


Now world biggest economies understand the need of Virtual team who can work from home in such a critical situation of Coronavirus. This lockdown has made us realized that we should not feel handicap and our economy must not affect as bad in future if such a situation arises again or existing situation stretches long. 

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Biba Brand product review


 In this blog, I wish to discuss BIBA the Indian ethnic brand which has more than 400 points of sale. I am a big fan of BIBA Indian ethnic wear. Whenever I need a complete Suite SKD I always prefer to go to the BIBA outlet for quick shopping without wasting a hell lot of time at Large scale format. BIBA EBO is the perfect place to shop for all occasions wear from daily office wear to the Party wear. 

Why do I love Biba? 

Collection: they don’t make a standalone garment but offers a complete collection at one theme or storyboard, which attract customers to buy at least one garment from each Collection. This strategy helps the brand to make a bigger ticket size or a basket size.

Vibrant colours: The best thing is that BIBA plays with vibrant colours which gives excitement, energy and brightness to customers. When bright colours reflect at the individual face then one looks brighter with makeup as well as accessories complements bright colour. even if the trend is of soft pastel then to the brand will offer at least one or two collections in bold vibrant colours to satisfy the youth customers.

Prints: I admire Biba textile print designers. I love Biba prints for traditional motives, bright hues and printing quality which doesn’t fade even after multiple washes, except gold khadi print which has a nature of getting fade during washes. Each collection of Biba looks different because of its beautiful prints, although silhouettes remain same in all most each print collection.

Coordinates: Even if you like a Kurti design, you need not worry as Biba offers a wide variety of interesting bottom wear from straight pant, Plazzo, Sharara to skirts. Each theme will have separate stole or Dupatta as well.

Play with Minute details: BIBA plays with minute details which makes the garment more sophisticated and interesting. it has tapes piping, laces, tapes, Dori, beadwork, Tassels or touch of sequence, which make the collection more interesting rather than a basic tailor-made garment.

Play with Variety of silhouettes to fit all age groups and figures: Biba has straight A-line collection Anarkali and heavy flair collections short Kurtis, long Kurtis coordinated with a variety of bottoms to satisfy all age groups.

Biba collection has few drawbacks also.

1.Size: BIBA collection does not have a size bigger than 38.

2. Fit: Biba Top wear Kurti & SKD shoulder and across back measurements are less than other brands which make fit slightly uncomfortable. Because of small size off the shoulder and across back measurements, one has to compromise to buy a bigger size than a perfectly fitted garment. The bicep size is slightly less than required. Slight increment of ½ CM will make it more comfortable.

3. Technical error: When Kurti has lining in sheer fabric, Biba brand stitch both fabrics together in the upper body as well as in darts, which gives a bulging effect at the upper layer if not stitched with perfect tailoring. Technically Lining fabric should be free and not attached with upper fabric. Sometimes both have different shrinkage.

4. Mix and match Coordinates prices: Chooridar, Plazzo, Pant, Dupatta and stoles are overpriced compare to the fabric quality. The brand must have a lesser margin at coordinates because they don’t give a discount even at the end of the season Sale period. Better quality of leggings are available in the market one of the example is “Go colors”.  Go Color brand is Not only Value for Money, but they also offer a wider colours range in bottoms.

Monday, March 30, 2020

Sourcing, Costing, Product Development,

The success of any organization depends on expertise on product sourcing. At the time of product development, the Top Management gives the product development team the target of the end Product cost for Sourcing. Cost is one of the very important aspects of any business. To sell the product in the mass market, the brand has to be very competitive with differentiating quality. If the product will not be competitive it will not sell in the mass market until and unless it has high brand value and developed for a Rich class who needs exclusivity & ready to pay a good amount for unique products.

Sourcing and costing (How to identify resources): What are the three key elements of costing and Sourcing. How to decide the source from which Organization one should source a particular product? Following three criteria has been defined to finalize the right source or Organization.

Quality: Required quality by customer, Buyer or Management expectation or we can say brand market position.

Price: the price of each product should be less or the same as compare to similar product’s supplier.

Timely delivery and commitment:  Lot of products are seasonal and have deadlines to launch in the market. If things get delayed then whole investment become waste or the company’s balance sheet get affected, So timely delivery is a very important aspect. In terms of commitment the required quantity should be delivered as per the purchase order in agreed quality, it should not be less.

At the time of Costing following elements have
to be taken care.

  1. List Down What all is components are needed to make the final product. 
  2. In what quantity each element is needed for this takes technical team assistant to understand average or weight of each component (measuring defined unit for required components). The required unit will be multiplied with Qnty to source in bulk 
  3. How to define the correct cost of each component. Cost depends on the amount of raw material that has been used in each unit including wastage. 
  4. once we have all the raw material cost, product manufacturing cost including all operations has to be added into it.
  5. Final finishing and packaging cost need to be added to the product cost.
  6. Factory overhead has to be added to the product cost which depends on the infrastructure in terms of factory rants, electricity, employee’s wages (Working hours) and depreciation.
  7. After doing all the above exercise each organization has a certain benchmark for adding a margin considering all frontend cost, transportation and Texas as well as expected margin, promotions and discounts. The organization decide MRP maximum retail price adding all the above parameters.
  8. After deciding MRP the marketing team review the merchandise analyses whether it is competitive in the market as per target at the time of product development. if the product seems to be expensive but has better quality features and better sustainability. The marketing the team highlight the features of the product for the marketing strategy to make customer convince to try the product.

  • I am attaching one excel to understand costing better. 

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Visual merchandising

Visual merchandising

The question arises why invest time, energy and money to do visual merchandise?

The ultimate reason is to increase business as much possible and stand apart from the crowd. Make customer walk-in rather than walk out. Make customer stay long inside the store for better conversion. Stand apart from the market, so that markets players and customers talk about it, which creates a curiosity for others to visit and end up buying. When customer visits they must get engaged with all 5 senses.

So what are the major aspect and purpose of Visual merchandising?

  • Ignite the imagination: while grouping merchandise a visual merchandiser used his creative imagination by using a colour scheme, the collection storyline for best visual appeal. Some science and creative sense should be used in the combination of grouping merchandise. For example, sportswear window can have a combination of apparel, sports shoe, and sports prop such as football, Hockey, Knee guard or elbow guard etc. Visual should be so interesting that the customer should look twice. 

  • Music: to engage customer music played a very important role. It should be so soothing with softer bests which force to customer stay long. It should not be loud that customer cannot communicate well or focus at merchandise

  • Light: light plays a very important role to not only see the actual colour of merchandise but to highlight what retailer wanted to show more in terms of new products. People don’t want to browse in such sections of stores which don’t have proper light. 

  • Touch: Merchandise should be in reach and not out of the arm. Customer visits the physical store to have touch and feel before buying otherwise E-com portal display is convincing enough to purchase. 

  • Smell: the smell is closely connected with memory and emotion, So for a better recall value stores must have a pleasant smell. Smell has a strong impact on consumer behaviour. Now more researches are happening at fragrance to put the customer in the right frame of mind.

  • Taste: if the retail format is of food then a tasting table should be organized. for Apparel and accessories, trial rooms will serve the purpose.

  • Support with signage: these help customer to inform about sale promotions activated in stores. Signage helps to direct customers to a different area of the store where the seller wanted them to head. Signage also supports to the group product. If you have bought a winter longs coat signage may direct you to snow boots or Cap. This help to increase bucket size.
  • Create Hierarchy: Contrasting height and depth grab mass interest. Fixture and racks can be strategically placed. The Pyramid principle can be applied to stop the customer’s eye for long.

  • Refresh Layout and Display: this technique is used to engage customers who frequently visit your store to buy something new. By changing display customer get a chance to see that merchandise which he didn’t notice during their last visit. It brings freshness in store

  • Communicate the layout or make a blueprint: this helps to evaluate date which layout has worked best in terms of sale performance. This will help to repeat layout for better per square feet sale return. 

Since the past 10 years, most of the modern retail formats are focusing to enhance customer experience by putting more efforts at visual merchandising. It improves business productivity, helps in cross-sale, increases bucket size and generates faster turnover. To enhance visual experts are using different props, space design, fixtures, layout and mannequin. New trends of visual merchandising should be implemented from time to time to upgrade stores.

Monday, March 23, 2020

How to fight with Coronavirus?

How to fight with Coronavirus?

These days most of the population is thinking out this question, How to beet coronavirus.
So the best way to fight this COVID -19 is to boost our immunity system to fight back with Coronavirus. I have explored some best way to boost my family immunity and wish to share the secret with you.

I am a great fan of Himalaya medicine as well as a complete child care range. Infect Himalaya Skincare products are also amazing. Himalaya is an Indian Ayurvedic brand since 1930. The best thing is the company is very genius in terms of the cost of the product so that the mass population can get benefitted from Himalaya product line.
So let’s focus on Immunity Booster Septilin. Septilin is very good for all age groups to boost immunity against seasonal cold, cough, fever, allergy, tonsils, Urine infection, Respiratory infection and even work at skin infection. It is a wonderful product which was advised by my elder sister a few years back, since than I have hardly seen my kids sick with common flues. I work 6 days a week, that is the reason my kids stays at day boarding. Luckily I don’t remember since past long that I have taken off from my office to treat my kid's illness as they don’t get sick. For Kids 5ML dose is commended and for adults 10ML.

Despite taking Septilin if still, you caught the infection than what should be the next immediate step along with getting your test. Himalaya Bresol which treats dry cough. Bresol is also one of the amazing medicine which not only deal with a dry cough, but also allergy and Asthma. I got to know that Corona attach can be deadly if one is Asthmatic.
For common cough, Koflet is the most recommended medicine.

Why I love Himalaya. The reason behind is its natural ingredient with no side effects till now. It works to strengthen our immune system to fight better against all future illness.

Here I conclude by giving you insight about one more medicine which improves the digestion, Live 52 is meant for improving your liver capabilities and digestions. It gives amazing relief at the time of Lever infection and improves the digestive system dramatically. Healthy liver or digestive system is directly connected with the immune system. If our body will absorb required nutrients from food then only we will get stronger to fight with diseases.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Impact of coronavirus at the fashion Industry

Impact of coronavirus at the fashion Industry

Today India has announced Lockdown at most of the part of the country till 31/March to fight well with the situation. Luckily India doesn’t have a shortage of Doctors. This lockdown will help to control and further spread COVID-19. China experience has taught us well to fight with such a situation. This lockdown will affect Retail and fashion Industry badly. Now customers will stay away from impulsive buying & will focus on daily needs.

Let's see what is the impact of COVID-19 at Fashion and Retail industry across the globe.

  1. America closes New York delivery station.
  2. Global Bridal wear label Pronovias group supports to hospital employs by donating wedding dress to brides-to-be.
  3. Moda Fabriek July show planned to be cancelled.
  4. TJ Maxx halts E-Commerce operation for two weeks.
  5. Everlane brand has just announced to donate profit for feeding America COVID-19 response fund.
  6. Vancouver F/W20 fashion week cancelled.
  7. Gucci & Chanel Luxury brands shut down factories in Europe.
  8. Retailors of India, U.K and Ireland can learn from Italy online sale surge.
  9. Stores closures across the world will hit GDP.
  10. “Made in China” products declined by 16 percent across the globe.
  11. Valmount Barcelona fashion week postponed.
  12. Australia Fashion week cancelled.
  13. Amazon is prioritizing medical and household things & putting other goods on hold keeping coronavirus outbreak in mind.
  14. Zara sale has dropped by 24% from 1st March to till 16th March.
  15. In Paris, most fashion capitals are expected to work from home in self Isolation.

Friday, March 20, 2020

The 'Best' way to handle Female customer

The 'Best' way to handle Female customer

The Female customer never has to be taken lightly. It doesn’t matter she is an early member of the family of not, but buying power is definitely in her hand. One dissatisfied Women customer can cause huge damage to the Organization as she will set and discuss with her family and friends about the disappointment and experience with a specific brand and then her system, Mother and friends will discuss further which will make a big chain and huge amount of loss. A male customer will hardly discuss his bad experience with some brand. 
So the question arises what are the best 10 things a sales staff must do to make a female customer satisfied even though he or she doesn’t sell. Following are 10 topmost tips.

  1. Hygienic staff must approach a lady with a smile to greet her. Women are very particular about hygiene. 
  2. Sales staff must enquire the purpose of buying to guide her better without wasting much time as women get irritated and moved out if she doesn’t know where to find what she is needed. 
  3. Women customer follows the recommendation, which is the reason before planning to buy something they may discuss with her mother, sister, friend or husband. Smart sales staff always recommends with confidence to convince for buying.
  4.  Before buying a Female customer wish to know the advantage of selected merchandise before making a final decision. So a good sales staff explains the features of the product. If Sales staff is not trained enough about the product he is selling then the customer may not prefer to buy. A lady needs a satisfactory answer to all her question.
  5. Women customers are sensitive to speakers tone. Be polite, listen to them pore and sustain eye contact to assure them that you are listening to them seriously to assist them and understand their requirement.
  6. Women control the majority of spending in their household, so they should be considered as a serious buyer. If a lady will get convinced then a man will not take time as the lady will convince him.
  7. Image is everything. Women notice detail, so everything should be neat and clean & up to date.
  8. Don’t Knock the competition. Never give bad comments about competitors especially if the customer says that she is a buyer competitor brand. A good Sales staff must talk about the benefit of their brand. 
  9. Emphasize the benefits of buying your brand. Explain why the merchandise is best to fulfil her requirements. Women especially like to buy the best.
  10. Women expect to follow up. Usually, if a man says that he will think about it then it is simply no and don’t like to follow up. They prefer not to say straight no, while if a woman says that she will think about it then she really means it. Follow up will help to convert the lead.

Suggesting: If a lady is with her kids then there should be some arrangement to engage kids so that a day can do brows, discuss, select and buy comfortably without seeing kids cranky.